Girl Scouts Council's Own Awards Wikia

Illinois Interest

The Illinois IP is an interest project from the Girl Scouts of Fox Valley Council.


Girls are to complete 6 activities, including the two starred activities.

      1. Locate on a map of Illinois three old state capitals and tell what part they had in Illinois's history.
2. Choose one and find out who was its first governor. When each capital was built? What were some of the special events in history? What caused it to move and when? Using the answers, make a time chart or display to illustrate the state lifeline
3. Learn the names of five people who played a part in Illinois's history during the1800's. What did they do? How many of these five are women? Write a brief biographical sketch of one of these people.
4. Native Americans have played a major part in Illinois's history. Visit a Native American museum and find out how their culture has had to yield to modern culture. Make a list of at least six changes they have made and why. Have these changes been positive or negative? Why?
5. Coal plays an important part in Illinois's economics. Know two mines by name and their locations. Be able to show where they are on an Illinois map. Visit a local coal mine in your area if possible.
6. *Learn a little about Illinois wildlife. Be able to identify three trees, three shrubs, three cacti, six wildflowers or five animals and five birds that grow or live in Illinois.Find out if any are on the endangered list. Share the information you have learned. Take a hike when you identify the wildlife you might spend at least one night camping trip at a State Park, County, or Park.
7. *Find out about a woman who has played or is playing a role in Illinois. Find out about her community, life, family and friends. She can by anyone you admire, dislike or find interesting. Make a report that would be representative of her life.
8. Illinois has played an important part in the formation of the United States. Know when and how Illinois became a state, what are its rank, its official nickname, its highest point and its lowest point.
9. Learn about Illinois cooking. Collect five local recipes. Prepare three of them to share.
10. Research two of the following crafts: quilting, candle making, knitting, weaving and carving. Locate someone skilled in one of the crafts and ask them to share their skill with the troop.
11. Learn about all the State Symbols: State Song, State Bird, State Flower, State Tree, State Animal, State Insect, State Fossil, State Mineral, State Prairie Grass, State Fish, State Dance, State Slogan, State Flag. Find out when the state symbol was adopted, and what the symbol is.

See also[]

List of Council's Own Interest Projects

External Links[]

Girl Scouts-Fox Valley Council Illinois Interest
